"Meatless October" was started when Leo Stranius was a studio guest at Docventures - a show that presents documents. He challenged the host Riku Rantala to give up eating meat for this October. They have a group on Facebook for this. Nearly 30 000 are participating. Finns eat a whopping 78 kgs meat per year. Producing meat is a big environmental issue and of course it is an ethical one as well.
Docventuresin Lihaton Lokakuu
Another current trend is commitment to climate. A campaign that asks people to give a promise they will do something. Ilmastolupaus I promised to ride my bike for as long as I can. Took it home yesterday from work and I was delighted to see the cold had absolutely no effect. The temperature near zero degrees Celsius did demand gloves and a coat but otherwise it was just lovely. Such a shame I did not take it today too. I will hitch hike a ride with my hubby but the weather is gorgeous. It would be lovely and crisp to bicycle home.. *sigh*